Best Lawyer Houston

After the alleged breach of a breath test or field sobriety test, a Houston driver may feel that the fight against drunk driving charges is hopeless. This could not be further from the truth. A competent lawyer DWI can carry out a full investigation into every aspect of a drunk driving case to determine how to build the most successful defense technique possible. Although you may be told that there was no blood test or acquiesced to a breath test and the results confirmed 08% or greater (above the legal limit) there are ways that your lawyer can challenge their positions, however.

The first step to take to fight for Houston drunk driving would be to contact an attorney. The attorney for Houston Criminal Defense Recommended offer a confidential consultation to discuss your case and how they might reach your DWI defense. With its expertise in this specific field and dedication to protecting the rights of clients will be able to approach the matter quickly and successfully.

Hiring a qualified lawyer Criminal Houston more!

You will find different techniques of his attorney could use to challenge the charges of drunk driving. Usually, the defense will focus on one or more particularly the procedural violations or rights of the accused. For example, the defendant could have been illegally detained by the police or could have been arrested without the police to establish probable cause. A breath test may have been administered by someone not trained in these specific tests. A blood sample may have been mishandled. All these are examples of circumstances that can offer the leader Houston DWI lawyer the possibility of effectively challenge their positions.

Remember: If he pleaded guilty to DWI, was found guilty of DWI. If you do not fight your case, if you go to court and plead guilty to drunk driving and throw yourself at the mercy of the judge and prosecutor, there is a 100% probability that you will be convicted of drunk driving after his DWI arrest.

If you request a jury trial and the prosecutor can not convince all 12 of the jurors of the defendant's guilt, no conviction. That means you walk away with a clean record! There are three possible results following a jury trial: Twelve agree on the defendant's guilt, the Twelve agreed on the defendant's innocence, or some vote a particular way and some other votes. The latter result is known as a "hung jury" and in the event of the accused in a case of DWI, you are happy to have one because it is likely that the case will be dismissed.

All this means that you and your lawyer only has to convince one of the twelve jurors to vote not guilty to being able to win your DWI case. One in 12. The alternative often is to launch at the mercy of a system that has no mercy. Is not reason enough to fight your case? It's so important to take the time to talk with Houston attorney most qualified Criminal Defense near you to start preparing your focus!