Criminal Law - Traffic Offenders Program

What is the Traffic Offenders Program (TOP)?

This is a program designed to provide people who have been accused of a crime of drinking / driving and to plead guilty to the charge with the opportunity to participate in a program that will give them the information and skills.

This information and skills available through attending a TOP must allow an attendee to be a member of the society that has demonstrated the benefits that a change in attitude toward alcohol and driving can be such as to be user more responsible road and therefore safer.

How to participate?

To participate in the Traffic Offenders Program (TOP) is necessary to introduce, or his legal representative to enter a "conviction" in its name when you go to court. Ideally, this should be available at the time first to make the most of the benefits offered by a statement early and take part in the program.

Once the judge makes the orders of his case was adjourned for a TOP to attend are asked to register with an approved provider, usually a PYYC and then attend all sessions. Upon completion, to attend court for sentencing.

While attending a TOP is well seen and encouraged it should be noted that any application for a matter adjourned to attend a TOP is at the sole discretion who chairs the Judiciary and should not be under a mistaken belief that the assistance will entitle you to any indulgence treatment simply because they were able to attend and complete the program.

Not the saying goes, "If you drink and drive you're a bloody idiot." However, it is easier said than done. Sometimes, when we monitor the intake of alcoholic drinks and are sure that we are at the limit, then surprised to learn that we are above the limit. In Victoria, if the BAC reading is 0. 07 or more, lose your driver's license. So you take it on the chin or fight the charge?

Before deciding what to do, it is worth examining the law as it is in Victoria. The first point to understand is that if the BAC reading is 0.07 or more and you plead guilty or is found guilty, you will lose your driver's license. No exceptions! The amount of time depends on whether your first or subsequent offense. Note that this does not apply to zero limit for drivers and drivers under 26 years of law is stricter for drivers.

Second, there is no work in Victoria or special driver's licenses alone. If your license is canceled, you can not drive. If you are caught with driving whist they are disqualified from driving, then will be fined and face a new period of disqualification. If you do it a second time, then there is a mandatory minimum sentence of one month in prison, plus a further period of disqualification.